July 22, 2022
NewOrg Management System announces the successful integration of its progressive HIPAA + PIPEDA online data management platform for human services organizations with the Florida Department of Elder Affairs (DOEA) new eCIRTS platform.
The eCIRTS integration templates are now offered out-of-the-box for NewOrg partner agencies who receive funding from the DOEA.
“This integration allows agencies serving our elder communities to manage their services, clients, and volunteers in their own way with their custom configured NewOrg system, while reporting to DOEA electronically, eliminating many hours of double data entry,” said David Crouch, President of NewOrg Management System. “NewOrg is committed to helping nonprofits increase efficiency, transparency and sustainability, and these kinds of funder partnerships can have dramatic positive impacts on workflow, and reduce administrative and clerical overhead.”
Jewish Community Services of South Florida — a longtime NewOrg partner — is currently managing its Seniors Home Delivery Meal Service in NewOrg and is reporting all of the details for its thousands of monthly services to DOEA via NewOrg’s eCIRTS integration.
This announcement adds to NewOrg’s growing list of out-of-the-box funder integrations — including Florida Department of Children and Families (FASAMS for SAMH providers), Florida’s multiple Medicaid payers as well as Medicare and private insurers — allowing agencies with multiple funders and funding models to report to and bill almost any funder.